When a human goes
to a medical doctor with a health problem, he or she can communicate symptoms directly to the practitioner.
With your animal, you are the vital link in this communication. Since holistic treatment deals with specific remedies
for specific symptoms, this input from you becomes even more critical. It is often that the key back to health is hidden
in a rather obscure symptom. Because of this we will need to understand, in detail, the physical and emotional symptoms
being displayed by the animal in order to optimize the chances of a timely and accurate diagnosis. At the same time,
we are obligated to tell you what you might expect in the way of treatment responses in order to aid in the observance of
symptomatic behavior. This makes it important to allow adequate time on the initial evaluation to have this detailed
examination and communication.
- List of all current
and past medical problems for the animal
- Detailed description of current symptoms and behaviors
- Copies
of applicable lab work, x-rays and ultrasound exams
List of
medications currently being administered
List of special diets and nutritional supplements
Picture of yourself with the companion animal
Discussions of the client’s expectations, our practice philosophy
Physical examination
Detailed evaluation of past medical history
Assessment of current medical or behavioral problem
Evaluation of currently available lab work, ultrasound exams, and x-rays
Homeopathic case taking (if using homeopathy)
Traditional Chinese Medicine approach
(if choosing acupuncture)
Initiate new lab work
as required
education concerning diet
Consultation with referring veterinarian if applicable
Treatment options:
VOM (veterinary orthopedic manipulations)
Homeopathic case study
treatment (using needles, B-12 injections into acupuncture points, laser or electroacupunture)
does not happen over night, therefore further exams, case study or treatments will be needed. The number of follow ups varies
as to the nature of the initial problems and how long the problems have been present. After the initial consultation care
should be taken to carefully observe and document physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. Detail and accuracy help us
determine if the treatment is acting palliatively or curatively and influences our next step in the process. General
guidelines for follow up examinations or consultations are:
ACUPUNCTURE and VOM: (15-30 minute visits)
Generally, treatments are given once a week for 3
to 4 weeks, then as needed, perhaps every 2 to 4 weeks. Some chronic conditions
require treatments to be given more frequently, e.g. twice a week for the first few weeks, then as needed.
HOMEOPATHY (5-30 minutes)
Follow up consultations, either by phone or in the clinic, are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedy.
This is the MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT of homeopathic treatment, because rarely does an animal need just one remedy. And
the prescription for the next medicine is based on what changes occur after the administration of the first one. Think of
the healing process as peeling layers from an onion. The longer the animal has been ill, the more layers we need to remove
to attain health. The first follow up is usually done at 3 to 4 week. However, depending on the nature of the illness,
some cases require much closer supervision, e.g. daily to weekly contact with us.
feel it is important to have good communication on all aspects of our relationship
which includes Professional Fees for our services.