Janice L. Facinelli, DVM

- BS, Colorado State University, 1970
- DVM, Colorado State University, 1972
- Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy Professional Course, 1991-92
- Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy Advanced Professional Course, 2000
- Academy of Classical Homeopathy Professional Course, 1994-96
- International Veterinary Acupuncture Society Professional Course, l989-90
- Certification course, l999
- Conventional veterinary practice 1972-1990
- Owner, House calls for Companion Animals 1976-1991
- Owner, Holistic Care for Animals 1991 to present
- Holistic medicine 1989 to present
- Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy
- International Association of Veterinary Homeopaths
- American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
- International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
- Rocky Mountain Holistic Veterinary Medical Society (Founding Member)
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
- Denver Area Veterinary Medical Association
- Created and chaired the Human Companion Animal Bond Committee 1982-1989
- “Prescription Pet Program” of The Children’s Hospital, Denver, CO.
-Helped design and implement the project, which became the national model for other such programs, l985.
-Received recognition for this work with Esquire Magazine’s “Best of the New Generation” award, 1984 - Pet Loss Support Group, 1986 to 2019.
-Helped develop and implement this free support group for people who have lost a companion animal.
- Gardening, photography, camping, hiking